The tale of Yamato Takeru tells of his clever use of disguises to gain entry into an enemy stronghold. The use of subterfuge and disguises has long been associated with the ninja and is a theme often seen in the myths and legends of Japan. This is thanks in part to their blinding grenades that can be used to disorientate their enemy, leaving them free to use their throwing knives for the killing blow. Their skills are the product of a lifetime of intensive training, cunning and the clever use of misdirection.
Able to move about the battlefield unseen, they can appear from nowhere launch an assault on an enemy general and vanish without trace. The true ninja is swifter than the wind and as silent as a mountain glade. Masters of stealth, ninja heroes are dealers of swift and silent death. (Click here to learn more about unit abilities) Requires Blinding Grenades - This unit can use blinding grenades to disorientate the enemy, affecting their speed, combat ability and missile accuracy.Stealth - This unit can become extremely stealthy for a short period of time, remaining hidden even when running.Devastating ranged attack but very limited ammunition.Basic Unit Statistics (can be modified by difficulty level, arts, skills, traits and retainers) Recruitment Cost